What do domestic pigs feed on?
Correct answer: They are omnivorous

Player #62086564
I didn't know pigs were that smart. Maybe one day we can learn more about their habits and abilities.

Ok what is pig toilets 🚻?

We also breed pigs for heart valves and skin transplants.

Player #31753367
Kiwozzie, My health and Life transformed from having prescription of a Pancreatin Product that mimics Natural Enzymes that I do not produce. The Enzymes are taken from Pig Pancreas Glands. They really are incredibly intuitive and usually most ready to Learn..

little b
I don't like they are omnivorous

Given that pigs are commonly said to be as sensitive and intelligent as dogs, it is horrific how we intensively raise them. They live appallingly brutal lives - we wouldn’t allow that for one minute for our pet dogs. I don’t eat any kind of pig meat because of the cruelty involved in “farming” pigs.

There's been many a human body thoroughly disappeared by being fed to pigs.

WHAT! I didn't knew it before, Thanks to this game to learn me a new fact

I don't no I Guesd 😜 that is right