Who was Alexander the Great?
Correct answer: He was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon

RSVP78, what do you mean earlier times its happening now hello!! Russia devastating Ukraine.

luckycatfay, Paad

Responding to multiple comments, the Macedon kingdom was part of the Ancient Greek world. All city-states, as they were called, spoke variations of the same language in the same way we have dialects today. So Alexander was technically Macedonian, but Macedonians spoke the ancient version of the Greek language.

luckycatfay, what has that to do with ancient Greece?

Деjан, he spoke illirian from his mother who was from Epirus. He went to lern greek to Aristhotheses, meaning he didn't know greek. Besides, greek didn't exist as a single language or nation on that time, there were hellenic tribes and cities

on what language spok Alexander the Great?