What is this food called?
Correct answer: Mango sticky rice

In England we never get lovely ripe mangoes. The supermarkets only have them hard & they never ripen properly. Same with papaya, which I love. It's a bit much to have to buy a holiday to, say, Tenerife, to be able to eat sweet, juicy papaya, but also very nearly worth it!

It's called "suman" here in the Philippines.Served with hot chocolate and ripe mango on the side.Yummy😮

Olly, Perhaps it's down to where you live specifically because I live in the Scottish Highlands and eat mango on a regular basis and almost always the mangoesj are beautifully ripe.

apocalypse now
what a combine food sounds unfamiliar but looks so yummy!!!!!

That sound delicious!!

Rey, Absolutely! The best for me is in Thailand! Delicious...