Which fruit is in the picture?
Correct answer: Lemon

My lemon tree is close to my driveway. I looked out my kitchen window and seen a man picking them. He had picked a whole shopping cart full. I ran outside and asked him what he was doing. He said he was picking a few lemons. I replied that it looks like you’re going to sell them and he agreed. I told him they weren’t his to sell. I quickly got a bucket and filled it up with the ones he picked to the top. There was about thirty left. I told him to take them and never come back or l would call police. He asked me for a rake to rake up a few leaves around the tree. I told him he might try to steal that too. He just smiled and left.

Sassy, It’s not usually a good idea to confront a thief. I’m glad it didn’t escalate and you’re okay.

Sassy, yea if you confront them normally they threat you I’ve been in same situation because this guy came into my backyard and I have strawberry bushes and he was standing there eating them infront of me but it turned out he was a criminal

Sassy, OMG!! the same guy stole my blueberries a few weeks ago! but I called the police and he was brought to jail😁

Unreal Neil.
Try a finger lime. Delicious!!

nancy eg
I have a lemon tree to=)