Which is the most commonly spoken Native language in the U.S.?
Correct answer: Navajo

170,000 out of what must have been millions of native language speakers before Europeans arrived on those shores.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, right step in the right direction

Own up to our history, study it, but we our generation don’t have to be punished for it

The Navajo Nation has only 40 percent running water due to water theft and infrastructure lack.

Lorraine , Yes, they have destroyed most countries in the world in the name of the king/queen.

Player Say what!?
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, I didn't know Canada had done the same injustices until I watched a documentary on Buffy St. Marie. It appears both countries are thankfully and finally realizing these past mistakes.

Fredrico, some people are just after what they want to heck with how they get it or how many people they trample in to get it

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, I have great shame in the treatment of Native Americans and Arican Americans. You would think between treated African Americans like objects we couldn't squeeze in shoving Natives on reservations. Those that survived to be forced on them anyway. Then they faced starvation on their land. 2023 and there are still humans treating other humans like garbage. 😪

Danny G
Well if the Cajun-French language or dialect is any indication, the language will slowly fade away unless mandatory classes are given, and that may or may not be enough.

the Germans couldn't decode it in WWII,

Terri, Yes but it is All of us being treated with no respect. Native, Black, Asian, White or We The People need to become better educated and not so spoiled and lazy. We got to stand up and stop this prejudice country's war on each other.

barbara, Need better education. You believe the People are going to just sit back and wait for the government to help with these issues ? Need to learn more to make a difference.

Shark, what are we bein punished for? I misunderstand something ?

Somehow I knew this. Yay

I guess they played the wrong build, sad but skill issue

I love this app sooooo much... On my list to go to US

Ann Martha
have only heard of sioux

Where did TRUE CANADIAN Laurel go please?

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Same in Australia and have NO idea why so many people indicate they don't like your answer?!?!
NOW is the time to acknowledge the horrific intentional genecide focus of the past!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Growing up on the Rosebud Reservation (S.D., U.S.A.), learning the Sioux Language, Culture and History were mandatory classes for everyone, native or not did not matter.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Manitoba has just elected the FIRST Aboriginal Premier.

Danny G, parents should care enough to teach their kids if a kid learns it in school but has no one to converse with at home or after that school year it's just wasted time

Player Say what!?
barbara, So, so sad and disgusting!