When is Memorial Day in the U.S. held?
Correct answer: May

God Bless our fallen Heroes!

Right after my birthday!

love the red poppies the American Legion pass out. beautiful and sad day. yuba city CA had a wonderful program.called "a grateful nation remembers." a must-attend if you are in NorCal.

I wish we would celebrate/observe holidays on the date each holiday was originally declared.
The government has made the day of observabce on either a Friday or Monday for the convenience of people so they could have a 3 day weekend for camping, short vacation, BBQ, etc.
The meaning of the holiday has lost its importance. How many young people know what the holiday means?

believe it or not Today is Memorial Day year 2024

pushed the wrong one mistake

Christmas Joy Girl
The day after my dad’s birthday 🎂

It’s The Dragon
I remember just cause it was Memorial Day this Monday XD