What is the name of Jesus Christ's hometown?
Correct answer: Nazareth

I know The Bible and it mentions where Jesus lived and the places He visited.

Nerak 7
I think he traveled to all the places.. I did not have a clue what his hometown was..

Israel since 1948, also mentioned in the Bible.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, They traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to pay their taxes and while they were there Mary gave birth to Jesus. After she recovered they went back to Nazareth.

perhaps the question should have asked where Jesus was born

Melode, I believe Jesus lived and died in Israel and I try to follow his teaching. However the 4 writers of the gospels with the exception of Paul wrote 40 to 60 years after Jesus' death.

Player #29152846
You'd think there would be more Christians living there, but then again Jesus was persecuted everywhere He went.

Thanks for sharing the information....God Bless