Which of these is a city in Washington?
Correct answer: Seattle

I am not a number.
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, I'm happy with the question as it is and am not American, nor live in America.

Oregon M4M dude
There actually is a city in Washington state called Battle ground. It's just outside Vancouver. locals call it Battle for short

Excuse the Kuz
Seattle is a great city! Great people!

nosbodred, I did not know that, and we just visited last summer my daughter and I I’m going to have to go again and take my husband, he loves to watch Bruce Lee movies. Thank you for sharing this.

I live in Oregon and my brother lives in Washington.

lived there for many years. too overcrowded now.

Mars V
It’s the pesto of cities.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, that was also my first thought and I grew up in WA state.

Bruce Lee is buried there