Who played 'Patch Adams' in the film of the same name?

Correct answer: Robin Williams

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #53231933
Player #53231933
The critics are wrong onthis one. loved this movie. Robin Williams was a remarkable actor. All star cast in my book. Such a sad loss for all.
I thought this was a great movie. Robin Williams was a great actor.
Cat Mom
Cat Mom
Ironic that he played a suicidal doctor who found new meaning in life and then a few years later took his own life. Such a shock! Seems like some of the funniest & best actors have the most personal depression & inner struggles. RIP Robin Williams
Cat Mom, I once heard Robin Williams asked for this role when he heard about it, because he felt it related his own feelings about his struggles with suicidal depression!
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Wonderful actor and sorely missed. Sad that humor saves lives in the movie, but couldn't save him in real life.
yes Robin was remarkable but let's get this straight he did commit suicide but his brain was going thru horrible times...dementia look up his story is called Robin's Wish...
such a sad losses for all