What is the marking on his face called?
Correct answer: Tā moko

I don't like tattoos either.

Carving the skin! It must be incredibly painful! Only true dedication can motivate one to go through this.

JCD, maybe you are being judgemental? I agree with her opinion but it is a matter of taste. My opinion is mine, not necessarily right or wrong just personal. We all have opinions on numerous things, being human those opinions will not always agree. If she were saying she was starting a hate campaign it would become personal, her comments are not personal just an opinion.

WilliamsHere, me too

Mazer Rackham !

Mars V
AutumnalCrust12, Trick or treat!!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
The original technique described here is also know as a form of Scarification.

Cookie Bean, Ouch!