What were the African American pilots called in 'Red Tails' (2012)?
Correct answer: Tuskegee Airman

Saw that movie & it was excellent! Based on a true story! I generally enjoy movies that are based on true stories.

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, You gave a terrific write-up about the Black people in Canada, but we are not exactly free of racism ourselves; just witness our treatment of Indigenous people throughout our history.

Should be “Airmen”

Player Say what!?
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, The moniker African American was chosen by the people, not the country. It slowly evolved from being black. Black is now becoming the preferred noun again. Whoopee Goldberg has said "do not call me African American. I wasn't born there and have never been there!"

Bonnie , They were the most capable squadron , having lost the fewest bombers to enemy attack.

I hesitated on the question since I never saw the movie and had no clue what special nickname was used. But to the question of "Who were the famous black American pilots in WWII?", only one answer came to mind.

T.. was a place for African Americans to improve their lives.

Of course, students don't learn about them in Florida. :-/

Rey, this is trivia. not an option in my quiz either.

Player #25874027
Rey, Not an option in my quiz . Must have acted on your comment