Finish the title of The White Stripes' signature song: 'Seven Nation ______'.
Correct answer: Army

I honestly never heard of them.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
All of the White's works, (together or separate), are wonderful & innovative. (IMO)

Player #6103765
Apparently Jack White misheard someone saying "Salvation Army"!

I imagine you will have heard 7 nation army or at least the guitar riff at some point unless of course you live in Central Siberia.

I love their song Walking With a Ghost, that song is so exciting and different. 😃😃

Bam310, Incredible group when they were still together! One of my favorite bands of all time;-))

I don't know if this is the inspiration for the song, but the Seven Nations, or Seven First Nations, were/are seven distinct Native American tribes. Their tribal lands are in upstate New York and Southeastern Canada. At one point, an alliance was formed, and warriors of all these tribes fought together in the French and Indian War. So the title of the song may allude to that.