Which is considered the oldest civilization in the world?

Correct answer: Mesopotamia civilization

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What people think about it: 15 Comments
Player Teresa611
Player Teresa611
The Indigenous inhabitants of Australia had a complex, sophisticated form of civilisation up to 60,000 years ago. They didn’t build pyramids but lived carefully and respectfully in harmony with the earth.
I am from Iraq, but I am sorry for what happened to my country because of Saddam Hussein’s injustice to the Iraqi people and their return to the Middle Ages.
This was very easy question for me. Mesopotamia is famous as cradle of first civilizations in the world.
Michael's Memory
Michael's Memory
Player Teresa611, I learn so much from reading these paragraphs after the question. always loved learning.
Wasn't sure about the Harrapan.
Player Teresa611, I agree with you. problem is archeological finds can't be dated! wood does not last and metal is precious. stone does last, but not exposed.i reckon at least the last ice age for civilizations.
The past isn't our fault. We can try better.
Dr AboElhawa
Dr AboElhawa
well,, as an Egyptian am jealous for my country,, am with Egypt civilization for many reasons.. I'll mention just building the pyramid which untill now no one knows how they build it.. but the real question is for how long they collect the knowledge, skills needed to build such huge building the pyramid I mean.. I dunno why ppl don't put in mind this interval needed to grow in knowledge, developing instruments and all science needed to build the pyramids
Player #50270492
Player #50270492
"... a civilization is a complex society with settled populations, advanced technology, specialized labor, organized government, and often urban centers, which typically arose after the development of agriculture, marking a significant shift from the hunter-gatherer nomadic way of life". Between two rivers supported planned agriculture and subsequent continuous habitation, creation of a class system ( priest, warrior, farmer, merchant, etc.) and a *written* history more than mere pictographs. Similarly, Neanderthals would not qualify as a civilization.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
With new discoveries being made now, this information is definitely subject to change.
Player #92723922, I think the same. It tends to make me realize that evolution and geographic changes for humans are responsible for different races developing.
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Probably where Adam and Eve hung out.
jean, Mesopotamia!
This is what I learned in school--Ur and Sumer--but I wonder if it is true?
I would have gone with the Indus valley civilization.