In which ocean is the Humboldt Current?

Correct answer: Pacific ocean

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player #5837856, It is part of a phenomenon called continentalism. The ocean cools the areas near the coast in summer and warms it during the winter . Thus avoiding the extremes experienced in Siberia for instance . It also makes weather forecasts harder than day the American Midwest or Australia
Player #4355392, Gulf Stream?
Player #31034244
Player #31034244
Three countries? The Galapagos are part of Ecuador.
Player #6969091
Player #6969091
Very good information!
Player #5837856
Player #5837856
Player #4355392, sort of. it's called the Gulf Stream, but it is a warm water current. It is a big part of the reason Europe is as warm as it is despite its northerly latitude.
Player #4355392
Player #4355392
Interesting. Are is there a similar current in yhe Atlantic?