The Ford Pinto was rebadged under which name?
Correct answer: Bobcat

My sister gave me her Ford Pinto. She drove it 100,000 miles probably in five years. I drove it for maybe 90,000 miles for the next 12 years I knew about the gas tank but in my life is if it’s your time to go it’s gonna be your time to go, I came from Omaha Nebraska to South Texas with $15 a gas. I filled up in Oklahoma City when I got home I still had half a tank left that was the best cheapest car that I got just because of the mileage of the gas that could take you all over the place. I sold it and it kept running for about four more years then I lost track of it.

TaeGuk Kweenie
jimmyboy, wow ... Ford, that's incredible!!! I mean, I knew about the fuel tank explosion controversy (my high school bestfriend's first car ... and we talked about this very risk every time we took that risk) but how Ford responded to that is ... um ... surprising.

If you are not from the USA then probably not an easy question.

The question should really include Mercury. the Ford Pinto and Mercury Bobcat were the same car.

Player Say what!?
Petrafirma, I'm from America and had no clue!

My late father-in-law won a Pinto in a golf tournament. It eventually got to me and I drove it for a year or so. Then, on my wedding night, my cousins took it for a joyride and wrecked it. Not rear-ended, thankfully, but totaled just the same.

The first car I bought for myself was a Vega...used my father's General Motor's employee family discount to buy. Prior cars were those my father bought for me.