Which country has the most mud volcanoes?
Correct answer: Azerbaijan

Yes, in Azərbaycan we have 344 mud volcanoes. Also biggest mud volcano in the world named Torağay located in Azərbaycan. They are active mud volcanoes. Most of them located in Qobustan city. One part of Qobustan belongs to Tourism Agency and is touristic point.
But there has 1 wrong information about names. Yanardağ ( Burning mountain) is not mud volcanoes. It is Burning rocks which have continually burning approximately 4000 years. Even snowing and raining time Burning mountain never stop.

Mud volcanoes are cold, not hot.
But they are boiling and bumbling all the year.
Also they are very healthy for skin diseases. It can be use for SPA.
In middle ages people used those mud volcanoes for itchy disease

State Nature Reserve. They are under protection. The mud is used in pharmacology.

Player #120374466
Sakina, Wow sounds interesting!

Sakina, thank you.

Fredrico, actually it is do someone over, not do it over, for a person

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Google is a wonderful thing

Player #31753367
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Interesting , do you always use Wikipedia prior to your comments here or are you a Natural Oracle ? {: )