Who killed so many people that the global temperature dropped significantly, resulting in a small ice age?
Correct answer: Genghis Khan

To clarify, it was not the humans deaths that might have directly caused this, but secondary effects. Farms going back to Forest, fewer fires, farmed animals. I just mean it was not the CO2 that humans breathed out that is at issue.

So basically he was the first eco-terrorist

And for every death, there were dozens, if not hundreds, of rapes. Genghis Kahn has, today, 16,000,000 living male descendants. (The DNA studies that were used didn't include females.)

While the murder of millions of people is horrific, it is also hard to comprehend numbers that large. And over how many years. And how many died of starvation because he destroyed their crops and homes and not thru violence.
But the original premise of this piece is still hard to believe. So many factors influence our climate that this seems like reaching this conclusion was to justify their theory.

so could overpopulation result in the opposite effect meaning no matter how much conservation we achieve eventually the population will outdo itself

HawaiianShirtGuy, "The death of one person is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic."
Joseph Stalin

SO killing 40 million people was 'quite impressive'?

Neil DW
Based “on a study”, by who and with what scientific evidence??
Back in your box everyone. Calm down and carry on 🙄

And therein lies the solution for today's global warming problem... Human activities sped it up & we can slow it down with less human activity ... in other words, less humans 😳

Tom, what about the bubonic plague that occurred in the mid-fourteenth century. Might have had an effect: it wiped out at least a third of the Asian and European populations.

Mish, Your comment is true. Sadly, the sooner the world takes seriously the steps to keep population growth limited, the sooner the people will benefit and the earth and wilderness.

Julie, what’s “globalism” got to do with it? Christ, yer not another science-denying sTrumpette are ya?

SMYTHE, yes, Donaldo Trumpollini is quite obsessed with the idea of outdoing Genghis Khan

Let's face it, yall. We All need God to save us All from pollution, global warming, starvation, and violence. Our governments- mankind simply can't fix/correct this!! There are too many problems and not enough good people trying 2 solve them all!

well...history cant accuse him of being lazy

Mish, I've always said the huge world population size is too much for the earth to cope with. too much consumption and negative outputs

This was news to me. I had never heard this before.

Jesse H.
Tom, Obviously Not indeed, since the paragraph says that *co2 NOT exhaled (by humans *no longer* breathing) was the "issue".

that explains a whole lot why Bill Gates & Kamala wants to reduce the population .. planning to cool the earth 🌎

If this is true, then the over population of earth is the reason we are in global warning now

Byrde Alpha Bitch
paulo, You are welcome!😉

There's nothing "impressive" about mass killings. Nor should the way we address such topics be exhalted in any form. Taking a human life is a cardinal sin. Even taking the life of a living creature without just cause; just for the heck of it because one can, is also unjustified and who knows what consequences it will bear?

Player #27333553
he didn't even need infinity stones for it...

Lionessa, where can I find more info on this thx

Peter, In the 13th century, the total population was 200M, while during WWII, it was 2B. Per capita, the population reduction in the former would cause much more significant consequences than in the latter.

Player #138398738
Player #121872670, didn’t early, CO2 to O2 life forms evolve into blue-green algae and eventually all plants….and get incorporated as mitochondria in animals

I had no idea.

This is Junk Science. Where are the statistics, the facts, the specifics?

Yep. Too much hysterics about suspect “science” to push an agenda. Similar pop declines with WW2 and plague but without similar results.

Where is the proof of this? Seems very sketchy.

I don't see how Kahn accomplished anything...not impressive to me...other issues other problems rise bc of his greed and big ego...

Yashmac, the original lifeforms on earth, breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. They eventually breathed themselves into extinction

Finity, no it isn't for some of them.

HawaiianShirtGuy, precisely my problem with this. If that was the effect then, surely now with the massive increase in population and co2 output we should have seen much greater effects in the opposite direction.

can we trust the data??? where it get ...

Thank God he was not Thanos

There should have been an answer option for "no one".

Player #120374466
HawaiianShirtGuy, Yes, so many factors has contribute to climate change including the Sun. And who was the source that came up the supposed number of people who died? Is it accurate?

SMYTHE, Right?? I was thinking along the same lines!

katie Houghton
SMYTHE, are you planning on killing 40 million?