Where the island of Cyprus is located?
Correct answer: Mediterranean Sea

Fifi beautiful
I know the answer because I'm a young expert at geography.

love this kind of question. add more knowledge

well look I don't no nothing!
but vut I do know the red sea
should be bordering into the
mederterraen basin or black sea look either is right what
I do know is Cypriot are Greeks
or Turkish the old fashioned
are mega good on Music
and culture it's impressive I salute and take my hat off
I'm really intrigued

Cyprus, who were never free from the Turks!!! I pray for them

On the map it is truly a wonder.

A lovely island and very friendly people!

Thor, a very erudite comment, but at least we can understand the meaning!

It would be nice, if the questions could be all in english syntax