How much of a watermelon is water?
Correct answer: 91%

Pretty hard choosing from 89.9% or 91% when I remembered it was 90%. Luckily I went with 91% but very hard question.

Ohhhhh luscious Watermelon! And good for you too! ❤️

I can finish off an entire watermelon by myself! Feeling much less guilty now..

Every year I wait impatiently for the first locally grown watermelons to go on sale. Mouth watering. Ironic since they’re 91% water already :)

seanieG eire/kreta
Kiwozzie, you have to be careful as when on the ground if they are lying in dirty or stagnant water they will absorb the water and you could become quite ill if you then eat them

Rey, in Japan have cube watermelon🍉