What is the name of this village?
Correct answer: Haid al-Jazil

Cookie Bean, why do you think it's bad? wide open space, perched on a cliff, in nature. IMO, much better than an overcrowded city!

Player Say what!?
My goodness. Lots of "my country's better than yours" and debates over the good vs. bad of living in that village. The US and Canada are both great country's with each having good and bad parts. Living in an isolated village vs NYC is up to the individual. To each his own.

It’s probably not even standing anymore due to the war and the destruction of Yemen for the past 7+yrs 🥺

Byrde Alpha Bitch
For those of you playing the BBD (Bigger, Better Deal) Game AKA the "Mine is Better than Yours Game" (you know who you are), simply lay them out on the table & measure already! It is one thing to have pride in ones own country; it is a whole other thing to demean others for theirs and then turn around and profess to wanting world peace; hypocrites!

TheLadyKane, Perhaps not everyone owns a gun, but there are more guns than people. And everyone understands that our healthcare system is paid with our taxes. Better than paying for an enormous military apparatus. Noone goes bankrupt here because of medical expenses.

Sai Krishna
by seeing that it's very hot to live that rock

Player #107219796
sources of water and revenues etc.etc, does this village is having electricity and internet?

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, I am so glad that you love your country! Not everyone here in the USA owns guns, you can get a good education if you want it and we are still the "Land of the Free andthe Home of the Brave".
Don't be misled: your health care is NOT free. It's paid for by your enormous taxes.

TheLadyKane, No land is The land of 'the free' ... look at ALL the controls govts have in place - mostly subtle yet Controls all the same 😀

Player #141955517
If somebody chooses to live there so be it. I don’t see why people are being so petty

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #62752956, We grew up in a town that had no McD's, no fast food of any sort, as a matter of fact. 😎

What is not clear by the explanation it how/why we should know, I just resorted to guessing and am now none the wiser unfortunately

My lovely country ❤️

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #125639764, Why do you say ridiculous? This question is the very essence of "Trivia"!

maymay, I feel both are equally uncomfortable for my taste .

lolirock and anime lover
its a vilage? cool👍

Player #27150932
how would we know that looking at a piece of rock! 😆

maymay, any running water or electricity? What sort of jobs or livelihood would 17 isolated people have? Where does food come from?

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Cookie Bean, Would be perfect for us if it were not so hot.

Hadiya Ameer
Cookie Bean,
Don't think that we can't live their, think about people who are living there.

It's a nice palace and I have not seen this picture.😀

Nate Sanders
maymay, It's a harder life lol that's probably what they're referring to

Searching the Internet for videos on this location might get you on a watchlist, lol? If you know what I mean?

Khyati _Singh
I swear I made a Guess in this one but it was correct !

maymay, It's because a rock could tumble down and hit the village,killing many people.

Player #62752956
I heard somewhere they don’t even have a McDonalds.

I’d love to live there as long as there’s water and food nearby oh and a doctor, not sure if I’m immune to scorpion venom!!!! Do they have scorpions in Yemen?

maymay, Of course, one doesn't miss what one doesn't know. However, inbreeding is a problem in such places. Bad genes are handed down, multiplied and disseminated until - a few generations later - there are serious problems in physiology, physical & mental health and no hope for improvement as there is no "new blood".
Enjoy the peace and the view while you can!

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