Egypt is located in which continent?

Correct answer: Africa

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
abobo, The explanation said that Egypt was A cradle of civilization, not THE one and only cradle of civilization. I believe it quite likely that Mesopotamia had an influence on early Egyptian civilization.
I would offer another "cradle of civilization", the Indus valley. Western India, Pakistan area around the Indus River.
Player Teresa611
Player Teresa611
Deborah, Tom did not suggest that the Indus Valley is THE ONLY cradle of civilisation. He said it was ANOTHER cradle of civilisation.
Modern archeology recognizes today that civilizations arose around the world, independent of one another, but at essentially the same time (4,000 to 3,000 BCE). These civilizations rose in Iraq, Egypt, India, China, Peru, and Mexico.
The oldest independent country in Africa is Ethiopia. The oldest human remains ever found (5 million years old) were found in Ethiopia. In fact, Ethiopia has its place right along with Egypt in the Bible. It is referred to as "Cush."
KD, did the Americans not have slaves in the 1800's they believed that they were civilised! and this was thousands of years after the time discussed here.