What kind of food is uni?
Correct answer: Seafood

I can live my whole life through and never, ever feel the urge to eat the reproductive organs of ANY animal. I don't understand the attraction.

Player #25874027
“Only part you can eat “ Difficult to find and hard to clean”
Who decided this stuff was worth the effort?
Who discovered you can’t eat the rest of it?

I’m amazed at what is considered food.

In Italy where i live, sea urchins are fished along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, where waters are shallower and environmental conditions are good for the growth of these creatures. In particular, the most renowned areas for sea urchin fishing in Italy are Liguria, Sardinia, Sicily and Puglia. I couldn't be begged to eat them

Here in NEWFOUNDLAND and Labrador they are known as Sea Urchins. I don't think that I could eat them.

I tried it once. I do love sushi, but uni is a hard pass for me.

Cap’n Patch
Player #25874027, probably the Japanese or the Chinese. You know how they like seafood.

Your Newfoundland is a beautiful and friendly place to visit. Lived there years ago on old brown church road in stevenberg

Love uni...have it whenever my solvency isn't in question. Very tasty and clean sea smell and taste!!!

Uni, in Japan, it is a Japanese word, is considered very highly for sushi, sashimi, I love it.

Never heard of them being called "uni" - in Oz they call them "sea urchin" or in NZ "kina".