What is the name of this mythical creature in the picture?
Correct answer: Banshee (Ireland)

new info for me.thanks

I am Irish she would fortell the grim repear was at the door

my Country .She wails when a person going to die.She crys ag caoineach

That was too easy for me, I already know what a banshee is, I recently did a audio podcast episode on this topic...

Curmudgeon - I missed the celtic cross, but thought the blond hair of the Banshee was the giveaway. The countries the others came from would all have had black hair.

Not every family, just families with Mc or O' at the start of the name. My grandmother heard her twice in one night. A neighbour across the road passed away and someone on the next block over.
Apparently the sound is very like a vixen in heat.

Curmudgeon, Yep, me too.