Who was the first non-human to win an Academy Award?
Correct answer: Mickey Mouse

Mihai Mc
Bugs Bunny deserves one as well.

So... Mickey didn't really win the Oscar, his creator did.
Meanwhile, Rin Tin Tin was nominated for Best Actor but was beat out by a Nazi.

I think Mickey Mouse should enter the presidential race, he’d win easily!!!! 😂

Ramon , I also love Tigger! Goofy and Tigger are my favorite Disney Characters, and Dumbo too!

Bonnie, Yes, I'm sure he is. The whole reason he created Disney World is the whole family can go and spend the day together and NOT have to Spend a Fortune doing so! So, what does his relatives do? Jack up the Prices on admission Sky-High, where only the super rich can go, eat there, buy souvenirs, etc. I think he'd be furious with them about their Greed!! But that's OK, God's in control. We have the New Order to look forward to!! Not even his relatives can Spoil that!! God's "got this," as they say!

The One and Only MICKEY MOUSE!
Love him and Disney!

Cat Mom
TestyAlien3443, who?

As a child. I love Disney characters. My favorite is Tiger. I also live Mickey of course.

Gerald &Estie Anderson
Next to Jesus mickey is my best friend when i worked for him i can live well

I’m sure Walt Disney is rolling in his grave. 😞