What lullaby did this line come from, "You'll never know dear, how much I love you"?

Correct answer: You are my sunshine

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
My grandma sang it to me when I visited her as a youngster. Makes my heart feel warm 💓
I sang this to my 3 babies when they were little.
Hunger Knowledge, I never knew Stevie Wonder ever sang this song. I will have to look it up
love love love this song
Excuse the Kuz
Excuse the Kuz
Wonderful song.
Hunger Knowledge
Hunger Knowledge
I thought the song 🎵 was created by Stevie Wonder. It's definitely sang by him
Nerak 7
Nerak 7
… please don’t take my sunshine away…. Love this song
Player #29152846
Player #29152846
The saddest part of the song is " While I was sleeping, I dreamt I held you in my arms, when I awoke dear, I was mistaken..." Makes me miss my departed sweetie.