Who was Brad Pitt married to before marrying Angelina Jolie?

Correct answer: Jennifer Aniston

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
Shelby Johnson
Shelby Johnson
I was a total Aniston fan! Thought him and Jolie were a horrible match together. Guess I was right. LMBO
little b
little b
I've not heard of Jenifer Aniston
Jennifer wins in all of this. She will find the true love one day.. I love her acting ..
Jennifer Aniston she was very pretty, but ya know other stuff could’ve been happening behind closed doors. All I know is if someone is married and has kids and some homewrecking chick comes around and ruins it well in my eyes she should reap what she sows. Angelina Jolie should have kids and a family with brad Pitt and then he leave her for Jennifer Aniston or someone else so Angelina can see how jennifer felt when brad left. To me I wouldn’t speak to him again and if I did it would be because of our kids sake!