Which is the collar colour for teacher?
Correct answer: White
This is a poorly worded and confusing question. Yes teaching is considered a white collar job but the question isn't clear at all.
Player #32025472
Rikki, I agree, poorly written question.
This is a terribly worded question
Purple dolphin
I wondered what all the colour collars were and what they meant
I’m sitting at my desk in a school as a finance assistant but my collar is green. It’s a Tuesday though.
toe jam
you forgot, ring around the collar.
very easy answer
Mars V
In my first year teaching in 1991, I got paid a little more than $13,000. It took five years to get to $20,000. What collar is that? Flea collar.
I have contacted support re the poor wording of this question.
Murican Liberal
soptom, they already did
Lady of the Lake
The only way to get a question corrected or taken down is to use the red 'report' button (either the one just above the explanation or the one that pops up after pressing the 👎(thumb's down) button). Only posting a comment does not get the attention of the creators.
Patsy Payne
Been more clear had they ask what color Job is a teacher