Pablo Picasso's painting, Le Reve, sold for how much in March 2013?
Correct answer: $155 Million

how one justifies paying this obscene amount of money is beyond me !!!

Goodboy, yes on a painting! Just think how much good that amount of money could have been to people and animals in need!

Sorry Picasso-lovers, but I would gladly pay all of 5 pence for this "painting", to use it as kindling to make a fire!

It would have been nice to include a photo of the painting

Art prices have long ago reached the lunatic fringe. I'm an admirer of art and the craft., but test obscene amounts cn be used to uplift the human race

an example of how much money some people have. possibly it isn't a HUGE deal for someone who is a Billionaire.
and Yes Animal Welfare and Missing children and a plethora of Charity's could do SO much good in the world with even $20K !!!!!

not the most good looking art

Daisy, its just for business

Goodboy, I believe that people