Nicknamed 'the Main Street of America', which US highway linked Chicago with Los Angeles?
Correct answer: Route 66

This game has all kind of historical information

Two weeks ago, I was on a stretch of Rt 66 in Oklahoma. I saw the world's largest gas pump, a giant blue whale statue and The Rock Cafe, which was the inspiration for the town used in the movie, "Cars". I also met a couple from England, who were driving Rt 66 as a bucket list item.

I live in N.M. I drive on that road every day 😎

Player #12378390
Get your kicks on Route 66 ❤️ ….. wonderful memories for sure. My mom and I use to take joy rides on 66 all of the time. She told me so many stories from when she was younger and the things and places she traveled. She drove it from Cali… to Chicago…. Her favorite place driving on 66 was the desert!!! Wonderful memories!!

Terrie, Route 66 still exist but it is no longer a continuous route.

Tony, Absolutely. What would be better for me is remembering the historical facts....

Player #120374466
Player #12378390, Ah those days when road travel was less expensive. I remember when gasoline was under 20 cents a gallon

Player #120374466
One thing led to another. The organization of numbered roadways and interstate highway system was instrumental in America's economic and military growth.

Player Say what!?
Here's my promised update. The gas company did a road test on Rt. 66, driving 66 mph for 66 miles in 1927. They named the company for the highway and the sign is shaped like all US Highway signs are. This is even better than I remembered!

Player Say what!?
I remember reading a long time ago that the oil company, Phillips 66 is so named for that highway. I'll have to Google that and return with an update.

History is great. There is nothing better than learning... Unless you talk to angels and God.

I live 2 blocks of rt 66!

AutumnalCrust12, me to

Interesting. I thought it strange the question would have "linked" as past tence. I thought" does it not exist anymore?"

Madam PK
i've driven down Route 66 from CA to NV 💕

The Cool Kid
AutumnalCrust12, yeah you're right it does make you smarter