Who played "Fonzie" on the TV show "Happy Days"?
Correct answer: Henry Winkler
Anna J
Loved the Fonz!
Player #59334546
The last paragraph needs to be rewritten.
The Fonz was a very likable character.
The whole answer is poorly written. The author does not give his date of birth, and as the start of the answer is in the past tense, it suggests that he is no longer with us. As of today’s date, I believe Henry is 78 years of age. They should have started the answer by lifting from Wikipedia like everyone else,,,,,
Henry Franklin Winkler (born October 30, 1945) is an American actor, comedian, author, producer, and director.
kronik, smh at you Trumpie.
Player #81633265
kronik, me too!
what, did Kamala Harris word this question?? it's all over the place.
Aaaay...i hit Heinrich by accident!
Olly, I'm British and definitely heard of Winkler and the Fonz.
I think it's more an age thing.
Happy Days probably hasn't aired here for 30-40 years?!?
Nerak 7
The question and answer in fine with me. I understood. I heard Harry Winkler is one of the nicest people
Impetuous, brave and varonile were the characteristics he had in the film so girls admired him
Mars V
Player #59334546, Or just deleted.
Being British, I've never heard of Henry Winkler, but I must say he has a superb dentist! Talk about Pearly Whites!!