What happened in Sweden on the day know as "Dagen H" ?
Correct answer: Sweden changed which side of the road they drove on

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Knodel1958, both. LHD was the more common one already but many were still RHD.

David, I am presuming that his question didn't mean which side of the ROAD..but which side was the steering wheel..as in Right Hand DRIVE..or Left hand DRIVE?

Player #29684811, If one reads the explanation properly, it specifically states, "3 September 1967, the day Sweden switched from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right-hand side." In my opinion, it is implied that at the time, Sweden's traffic was on the left-hand side of the road.

Cudley Dudley
when wagons and coaches were driven by RH wagoners they used their RH for the whip and therefore sat on the LH side and that along with geo/political differences is why we have 2 systems.

Cudley Dudley
165 countries drive on the right and 75 on the left. Most of the LHD countries are of British empire influence. Why 2 systems? About 90% of people are right handed and before wagons most travelled by horse and carried swords so that when drawn in one action it was pointing towards that rider.

The majority of Swedish cars at that time were LHD, and Sweden's traffic was driving on the left-hand side of the road. so the switch to driving on the right was a no-brainer,

this is an Hard question for me

nice clue
and btw this game is really good 👍😊

anju kumari jha19312
it's not correct

Dagen H means to ride a car with your right hand

I've owned a few SAABs. Actually have one right now.

Knodel1958, because it says: "reduced accidents as overtaking had a better view" suggests that driving side was LHD

Definitely new info for me. Fascinating.

Player #29684811, Agreed Knodel!