What happened in Sweden on the day know as "Dagen H" ?
Correct answer: Sweden changed which side of the road they drove on
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Knodel1958, both. LHD was the more common one already but many were still RHD.
David, I am presuming that his question didn't mean which side of the ROAD..but which side was the steering wheel..as in Right Hand DRIVE..or Left hand DRIVE?
Player #29684811, If one reads the explanation properly, it specifically states, "3 September 1967, the day Sweden switched from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right-hand side." In my opinion, it is implied that at the time, Sweden's traffic was on the left-hand side of the road.
this is an Hard question for me
nice clue
and btw this game is really good 👍😊
anju kumari jha19312
it's not correct
Amaja Lluhani♡
Dagen H means to ride a car with your right hand
I've owned a few SAABs. Actually have one right now.
Knodel1958, because it says: "reduced accidents as overtaking had a better view" suggests that driving side was LHD
Definitely new info for me. Fascinating.
Player #29684811, Agreed Knodel!