In which country no one was born in 1983?
Correct answer: Vatican

Player #62086564
I got the answer correctly because I was of the belief that the Pope was the only one living there. Seems there are over 1,000 people. Learn a lot playing this game.

I Never thought that the Vatican had that many people there but the thought of it not having a hospital there is mindblowing.

Mrs busybody
Player #29684811, that’s true So how did the pope father children with Lucretia Borgia? What happened to celibacy then?😂

i believe those who complaint about the structure of the question are as straight as a ruler..i wish u guys well in the real life..

Cookie Bean, that's what I said

Braniacs, the question was not proper grammar

Player Teresa611
Braniacs, Vatican City is an entirely independent, self-governing city-state situated in the middle of Rome. It’s the smallest state in the world.

Player #31753367
What does Virtually..mean in question?

Player #31753367
merry, Why ?? do you know how many were born in other years ?

Player #31753367
Perhaps Papal Law suppress information ? No Virgin Births ? Many grubby secrets swept under seedy carpet

I knew it. Permanent residents are religious with vows of chastity. Non-religious workers with families live outside where their offsprings were born.

The answer is in the picture....

Anna J
I never knew this!!
