Apple founder Steve Jobs was associated with always wearing which color of sweater?
Correct answer: Black

Founder. Where are the proofreaders?

So Steeve was founded by apples???

In busy parts of my life, I've tended to dress all in black. All clothes can then be thrown in the washing machine together without fear of colour run accidents!

Never realised this was a common 'thing". I do this myself for this very reason - less decision overload !

smarty pants
l guess fashion designers are the complete opposite.

Wow, being remembered for starting Apple and for wearing a black sweater. Looks like someone really left his mark on this earth.

Rajeev Agrawal
Yes, Some people have different habits. Steve ji was very simple in his life.
Steve became a devotee of the great Saint Baba Neem Karori ji. He got an apple as Prasad of the Kainchi Temple, Nainital. Later He made apple the logo of his company.

monk ( the series) always wore the same outfit everyday as well 😂

Albert Einstein would buy several identical gray suits to eliminate the need for clothing choices. I think he also always ordered vanilla ice cream for dessert to eliminate that decision as well.

His completely standardised style of daily dress was meant to allow his mind to be free to focus on work matters. It's time and thought consuming to decide what to wear every day, otherwise.

That's why I liked wearing a uniform. I knew what I would wear daily.

New Yorkers tend to wear black. 😎

Schulzie, 🤣 Good one!