What is the name of a prayer in Islam?
Correct answer: Salah

Ali *Regulus* Mirza
Both sālâh and du'â can be, and have been, translated into English as prayer. Du'â is closer in meaning to that as in the 'Lord's prayer'. Sālâh (aka nāmâz in Farsi, Urdu, Kashmiri, Punjabi, etc.) is a form of ritual worship that can either be obligatory (5 times a day), prescribed or optional, and consists of reciting Qur'anic verses and du'âs while standing, kneeling, sitting or prostrating in a certain fixed pattern and manner.

Ali *Regulus* Mirza, so my choice of du'a should also have been correct

On time
I put dua but it gave me wrong!!!

Shame on devs for putting a wrong option as right answer in an educational game like this

zanniB, i agree with you