For which organ is iodine intake most important?
Correct answer: Thyroid

Thyroid is a gland not an organ

Nobody has mentioned hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland becomes either overactive or underactive, with quite pronounced symptoms, which need to be dealt with by a Specialist. With an overactive thyroid gland, the symptoms are weight loss, a tremor in the hands, overanxiety, difficulty sleeping because of an overactive mind. The Specialist will advise on the various treatments, which work well.

Most nuclear accidents release radioactive iodine into the atmosphere, which can be absorbed into the body. When thyroid cells absorb too much radioactive iodine, it can cause thyroid cancer to develop several years after the exposure.

Okie Razorback
Olly, I have been hypothyroid since I was 13 after surgery, removing the right half for cancer. I've done fine for almost 60 years. I have taken thyroid pills all these years.

Player #45738848
Thyroid is not an organ though

a non-toxic goiter I got before &so iodone was given for me by my Doc.

Player Say what!?
Olly, I suddenly began losing a LOT of weight. got very weak and all of the other symptoms. It coincided with my switch to diet pop and was amazed at the speed. Nope, thyroid - for which I took a radio-active iodine capsule and killed it before it killed me. I've been fine for years now.

cats an me
Olly, i have that problem.
had a tumor removed from my thyroidwhen i was i. my 20 s
have always been underweight...even after being on thyroid medication most of my life.....i can eat anything and not gain an ounce...

team edward cullen
I have hiper thyroid

paul, Very good point!

Player #76575322
Okie Razorback, me too, Levothyroxine.

Player #120374466
Don't depend on salt to give sufficient iodine, especially if your HypoThyroid or under active thyroid. Take good multi supplement that offer the minimum requirements. Too much can make your thyroid over active

Okie Razorback, I've had my right thyroid and half my left thyroid removed for goitre, which was layer found out to be cancerous. Despite taking thyroid pills, were you able to get pregnant?
I'm on thyroid pills for hyperthyroidism and I've not been able to get pregnant since I had the surgery in 2019. My only child is 6 now and at this point, I'm tired of genealogical pills

thyroid is a gland not an organ

Olly, i am hypo...