What is 'Naegleria fowleri'?
Correct answer: A brain eating amoeba

Player #26368406
Yikes! There goes swimming in the lagoon!!

Ye gods! That's Stephen King level scary!

"Extremely rare". What a relief!!

I'm staying in bed

Wow!!! It can come out of water heaters !!!

Use sterile water for nasal rinses

Your Majesty Yvonne
wow is it safe to drink tap water?
How scary

I think I'll stick to showers with a filter on the shower head. I never liked getting into bodies of water, including pools. almost drowned once, in a wave pool, that did it for me. showers only.

a woman died from using tap water in her netty pot. apparently, if you happened to drink one, your stomach acids would kill it. but through the nose, its a short swim to the brain. im grossing myself out. yuck.

Veritas , sounds like the Dr never heard of this either or he knew how much chlorine was going in the water supply

Egads! Thanks for the info.. Here come the nightmares.

Smudger, there's lots of nasties you can get in bed as well ;-)

408ASSHAT, This fact should be made know. I was once given doctor's advice to cup my hand filled with tap water to inhale water to rinse sinuses. I was impoverished at the time. I guess it was better than nothing. It's common for people to be unaware.

Sounds 🧣 scary.

Player #29152846
Oh great, something else to keep me out of pools. Guess I'll keep myself in ocean water instead