What is the Zodiac symbol of Pisces?

Correct answer: Fish

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What people think about it: 13 Comments
Player #38679471
Player #38679471
pisces are great people. very loving and kind.
cats an me
cats an me
Player #38679471, thank you.Im ,a pisces.
I know 4 people of that birth sign
bagguet kitty
bagguet kitty
well mine is on the 26/
bagguet kitty
bagguet kitty
oh someone is sharing their birthday date!😮
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
Player #25874027, oops, I was born on 2/19 and didn't notice my error before posting my other message...
toothless beachrat
toothless beachrat
Player #25874027, I too was born on Feb 18th, which of course is the "cusp" of Aquarius/Pisces. When people ask which astrological sign I am, I reply (jokingly) "I'm bicuspid". Bicuspid, is of course a tooth!
5th, heart on sleeve, care for everything, but I've lived with 2 Geminis so I can turn my emotions quickly. HA!
Matthew Lee
Matthew Lee
My mom, my dearest wife and my only son are all "Pisces". You can't imagine how lucky I am, Matthew's dad
this my sign also
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
LotusRose, February 19th , so sometimes I creep into the last day of Aquarius
How is this classified as science? Astrology is to science what McDonalds is to healthy food.
March 19th baby, I'm a Pisces through and through....