What is the capital of the USA ?
Correct answer: Washington, D.C

Devika Rajendrababu, most of the government only cares about their selves not others. very sad and unfortunate.

Other options are
Ottawa is capital of Canada
Canberra is capital of Australia
Manila is capital of The Philippines

I love 💕 America. I wish to visit it one-day

Taiwan, thanks for the knowledge

Hey! That’s where we are going on vacation!

I live in the United States of America. so I better get this right!

BTS Taehyung.
great my V help me.

Dre boy, Miami is a large city in Florida not the capital

United States is very common + lots to do. There are fifty states.

Dre boy
why wasn't Miami the capital of America

Manvi Kundu
dddhauuuwwwfs hyd

Poka, same me too

Only one of the possible answers is in the US.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Throughout the history of the U.S.A. there have been a total of 9 cities that have had the honor of being the capital. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Lancaster, York, Princeton, Annapolis, Trenton, New York, and finally Washington D.C.

Zoey wray
That is a question?! Why,it's to easy?

Devika Rajendrababu, correct

Borah Mbandex
Kylie, sorry 😔

Borah Mbandex
Poka, likewise 😔

One thing for sure, there is too much power concentrated in that beltway. It should never be changed to a State or given representatives to the Congress and Senate. The monuments are nice to visit but the dominate political culture there has become dangerously out of balance and touch with Traditional American values

Shairene Anne
oww i like the place🥰

Sarvin and sormeh
Taiwan , your right by the way I love your name

Kathan gabriel mejia
I am so strong, so brave and so rich

Kathan gabriel mejia
Kathan Gabriel mejia

I’m going there for Christmas when I come back I’ll tell you guys how fun it was

Player #25874027
This answer reads like a book blurb

Devika Rajendrababu
The president of America lives in the white house....
USA is home to all exports and imports of goods and services rendered by it's authorized government...