A homburg is which item of clothing?

Correct answer: Hat

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
My homburg blew of my head and down the cobbled ally behind the haberdashery and some rapscaluions made off with it. I was crestfallen to be sure...
It's lamentable that no one has any manners anymore, but in case there is even one guy who would like to know how to act, read on for hat etiquette. A man shows respect by removing his hat (or cap) whenever you enter someone's home or office, a restaurant, a theater, or a place of worship. The hat is also removed during the National Anthem. It's okay to wear a hat in the hallways and elevators of the courthouse, but take it off when you enter the court proper. It's not hard to learn manners, and it pays off when you meet the rare person who still values manners and civilization.
Carolyn Cooper
Carolyn Cooper
It’s hard to exceed the impression that a well dressed gentleman makes!
Rumpole of the Bailey wore a Homburg
lol. Bowler hats were originally worn by game keepers in the UK to ward off cudgel attacks from poachers. They were taken up by various London gangs. Additional were the sharpened pennies placed in the brims. old UK pennies about 3cm across, in modern money. lol
These days, most people over-generalize and call any hat with brim a fedora. There’s a difference between a fedora, a homburg, a borsalino, and a trilby.
Grey Panther
Grey Panther
Tom, Yes He did! I loved that show!
Cudley Dudley
Cudley Dudley
Tom, so did the comedian Tony Hancock