What contribution to science and culture was made by the English scientist Thomas Harriot (1560 - 1621)?
Correct answer: All options are correct

My generation, and that of my parents and grandparents were taught that Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes to the UK from the New World. When did that fact of history change?

I would like to know what type of potatoes he introduced,, i absolutely love potatoes, just made potato soup for dinner, delicious,

Player #49136609
Goldy, I am in agreement with you. Sir Walter Raleigh brought the potato to the UK. So that part of the question confused me.

Roy Jones
It would be great if the developers of the game tricked us in questions like this. Instead, every "all of the above" answers will be the only correct answer.

I, sadly have never heard of him. and what a shame that is!

little b
I've got a friend called Thomas

Player #136569400
Any relationship to James Herriot?

Player #97184361
Roy Jones, Yes I agree. I could almost close my eyes and still pick the right answer. add more fun. ! ! !

margret edwards
zhxn bv

The painting makes him look like Bron from GoT.

Stanley R.Camiguin , huh?

Player #14000764
Goldy, Some times more than one person can have the same idea or experience of something, but it doesn't mean that any thing changes, just at different parts of the world it's introduced.

Ana Maria
he was so surreal a real genius..

The last option, Introduction of symbols "", had me wondering if he introduced the single and/or double quote. The "less than" and "greater than" are symbols used in web pages (HTML) so to actually show those symbols takes special handling.