Which former Nazi leader was abducted by Israeli agents in Buenos Aires in May 1960?
Correct answer: Adolf Eichmann

Nanny Ogg
and well done, Israel 🇮🇱 👍

Tom, Man can't exact justice for a million dead. Maybe revenge is the best we have.

I think hanging was too good for this monster. All the other Nazis deserved a death sentence for their atrocities! They could dish it out but couldn't take responsibulity.

Tom, Can it be both?

It's incomprehensible that one man could be directly responsible for so much horrific death. The showers were a nightmare unto themselves. Cyanide starves the body of oxygen on the cellular level, and death is painful and ugly.

Cap’n Patch
Lionessa, actually that’s 11,000,000 dead. They found over 150 death camps in Eastern Europe after the war. Eichmann developed the so-called “showers “ system where you can take actual water showers then turn off the water, have a guard on the roof. He opened a can of Zyklon-b which are cyanide gas pills, they start dissolving once they come in contact with air. He dumped the pills down a pipe and closed the top, which had a gasket around the top. The cyanide gas is top heavy which means it sinks, so it goes down into the shower. All the people are killed, then the “Sonderkommandos” get to work separating the bodies and transporting them to the crematorium.

Man can be guilty, but trial process must be fair... Israeli type justice