By what name is Willis-Ekbom disease known?
Correct answer: Restless legs syndrome

A friend of mine had RLS and his Doctor prescribed Marijuana , This did give him alot of ease , He was one of the first person l knew who could smoke Marijuana legally .

I have restless leg syndrome and also venous insufficiency, varicose veins There is a link between both of them

I have restless leg syndrome which I discovered during a sleep study for sleep paralysis. very annoying and prevents me from sleeping because I can't stop twitching

Christine ~ RN
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, Angry?

Christine ~ RN, oh she's a miserable thing for sure. Like a guy I know with, "Little man's complex."

I have severe RLS and PLMD. Both terrible, horrible afflictions! I have to keep my iron high and take seizure meds to sleep

I have RLS and have had since very young. I used to blame my brother for pulling off my comforter at night!! Extra magnesium helped a bit but gabapentin took care of it. Strong correlation between RLS and low iron. Ferrous level should be 75 and it’s hard to get mine higher than 14 with supplements and then constipation stops compliance.

Had it on & off for years. Has something to do with Dopamine that's all I know.

Das, My RLS turned out to be diabetic neuropathy! Marijuana chewies ( can't smoke it) have helped me.

Player #22630453carol
sharonrose, i have it also very frustrating!. the otc stuff helps a bit but doesnt cure it.gabapentin helps also

Player #1193287
often times it's just low iron.

Das, pickle juice helps too

Karen , I have severe RLS as well. It will usually start around noon and last all day. My MD prescribed a drug called " sandoz- pramipexole " . One a day seems to take care of it. I hope you get some relief.

Player #115697513
Tory, what is K2 if you don't mind me asking I have RLS very badly

I have RLS, I hate it but my brother told me to take Vitamin D3 with K2. it helps a lot, in fact the minute I stop taking it the RLS starts

Player #120160753
Player #22630453carol, Mustard taken orally helps.

Lori, I have rls it's unbearable

Mikki Irish
Terri, Same here, my sister is an RN and suggested magnesium. OTC and I have been taking 250mg and sleep well.

Jenna, I have severe RLS, had it for years I take seizure meds to sleep but not always effective, it's a horrid condition and sometimes it is all day

Player #91082006, I have fibromyalgia. I find it really hard to stay still. When my whole hand was in plaster after fracturing my little finger severely, I discovered how much I was used to wiggling my fingers to ease pain.

I get rls sometimes from prolonged sitting that effects me at night. It stems from an over-tight hamstring, so to help it relax I stretch my calves and hip flexors to help release the tension it under. Then the twitch instantly dissipates. Honestly the only thing that helps me.

Lori, I have spider veins all over my legs!

indeed, I suffer from this, cannot sit or lie still 😑

RLS is very misunderstood; RLS can affect the whole body at any given time and not just at night. People who don't have it can never truly understand how miserable it can be.

Player #91082006
Fibromyalgia sufferers experience restless leg syndrome.

Arijeet Dutta
Player Das, Nice friend😂

Arijeet Dutta
Answer was in the picture😂

sharonrose, Gabapenton

captain Chaitanya joshi
Fredrico, that's wears

hari Kishore
i think I have this desease too

Lori, try Requip, it really work but it prescription