What is nettle used for?
Correct answer: Fabric and food

Netle tea is good for allergies and UTIs. If it is dried it loses the stinging response. Use long sleeves and good, heavy gloves. Pull or cut the nettle, bunch and hang it upside-down to dry.

I have stinging nettles in my garden, also have Doc leaves which you rub on the stinging skin to elevate the pain, close by. Nature provides an antidote for many things close to the offending plant.

An healing Herb. A tonic for the urinary system.

Miss Sue
Lorraine , Pretty smart! 😊

Silviu Adrian
In Romania, is used especially as puree in the springtime, allegedly to revitalise the body and to make the blood thiner after eating conserved food during the winter

I knew about the food but not the fabric.