What were the Nuremberg trials?
Correct answer: Trial of war criminals of Nazi Germany

during WWII, there were over 50 attempts to kill Hitler. all unsuccessful. He would always show up early or late or not at all for his speeches.

I think the trails around the world are different than in the past. They are so commercialized.. but we need Justice and this is what we need to get it

Not all of them due to "early", "late" or "not at all" for his speeches
One of them occurred during the Beer Hall Putsch anniversary speech on November 8, 1939, in Munich, Bavaria. This attempt is often referred to as the Bürgerbräukeller bomb plot. The attempt was orchestrated by Georg Elser, a German carpenter and anti-Nazi dissident.
Bürgerbräukeller beer hall was where Hitler was delivering a speech to commemorate the anniversary of the failed Beer Hall Putsch of 1923.
Plan: Elser secretly constructed and planted a time bomb with a delayed fuse inside a pillar near the speaker's podium. (He spent weeks working in the beer hall after hours to prepare the bomb without being detected.)
(The bomb exploded as planned at 9:20 PM, destroying much of the hall and killing eight people, while injuring over 60 others. However, Hitler had left the hall earlier than usual, at 9:07 PM, due to changes in his schedule, narrowly escaping the explosion.).
One of the other assassination attempts was at Wolf Lair, with Hitler + some of his top military officials (I think) and the bomb detonated during the meeting (thanks to the work of Claus von Strauffenberg) but the wooden table absorbed much of the bomb's impact and Hitler survived with "minor injuries". Four killed and a handful of them were injured/wounded (including serious and non-serious)

Too many escaped trials. They are still ruling the world