What was Beethoven's first name?
Correct answer: Ludwig

he was completely deaf when he wrote his 9th symphony, the coral symphony, so he never heard even one note of that beautiful masterpiece.

The Odd numbered symphonies are my favorites. But I really like the Even Numbered ones too. Talk about hearing the music in your head... Ludwig von wrote the ninth Symphony when he was completely deaf.

wesley, I consider it one of the great tragedies of history that Beethoven never actually heard his Ninth Symphony. It must have been terrifying to notice again and again that you can hear less today than yesterday.

He heard it in his mind!!

I like Beethoven and I think that in the 70's there was an album called the 5th of Beethoven it was good too I still have it

wesley, but he felt every note in the vibration/resonance

Ludwig von beethoven.. unless you're the st Bernard then it is beethoven

Forthwrmore that was a great brakedown of his piece of work

Green Machine, mine too.