The Edinburgh Fringe Festival takes place in which month?
Correct answer: August

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Sadly, in my opinion, the fringe has become very commercial. and largely a comedy festival to the detriment of other performing arts. It can be great fun but has lost its essence.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
The photo is of Victoria Street running down to the Grassmarket. Running along the top of the buildings on the right is Victoria Terrace.
I was in a youth theatre which performed during the fringe; it was a fantastic experience for me and I'm forever grateful to those who ran it.

Just guessed based on the clothing pictured.

Player Say what!?
Fredrico, I visited a friend for Christmas in the Netherlands. Froze to death. We went to Edinburgh and stayed for 4 days. Almost froze. Spent 2 days in Reykjavik. Truly froze. lol, but the entire vacation was way well worth it!

On the ol' Bucket List.