Which is true about Hetty Green (pictured)?
Correct answer: Was the richest woman in America during the Gilded Age

Good bio on her - The Day They Shook the Plum Tree by Arthur H Lewis.

My husband had a grandmother named Hettie. We were expecting our first child, a girl and wanted to name her after a great-grandmother. Our choices were Hettie, Gunda, Olga and Katherina. We chose Kathrina.

That’s actually someone called Irene Duprey-Gutierrez dressed as Hetty.

Sheriffe, Thanks for the information. I had never heard of her before now.

Fredrico, It was about power especially over her children.

Player #25874027
Apparently she lived on cold porridge

Steggie, didn't think of that at first. Of course, the photo is too modern. 👍🏻

Fredrico, Money isn't everything

Be wise
She had the first prenuptial agreement.

Mellow knee
Fredrico, bc she has a choice…. For us its real

Deborah , when I was born, the choice is for family names included. Velma, Ora, Cleo, Davida, or Patty. My dad wanted to name me Priscilla. Thankfully, my mother put her foot down and named me Patricia. When people try to call me, Patty l refused to answer to it even when I was a little kid. It just made me think of a cow patty.

Rosie-knees, google!!

Fredrico, Because money is power, in its truest sense.