The term "Oxfordian" relates to which famous poet?
Correct answer: William Shakespeare

An interesting question and answer. The debate about who wrote the plays and poems has been going on for years. I wonder if it will ever be resolved?

I’m working on building a Time Machine. As soon as it’s ready to go I’ll head back, stalk Mr. Shakespeare and figure it out. Then I’ll come back to this post and tell you all about it!

he is an English author and he write about the love story

I thought related means smth. like born there, studied there, died there..., but some scholar, not proved debates, I don't think that means "related".

I saw a comment saying “My grandson is 35 years old! “ and I replied “Wow I am only 11 years old “ And I wonder do only old people play this? Hmm 🧐 maybe I should delete this bye guys see you never!