Which country's traditional dish is shark fin soup?

Correct answer: China

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Absolutely disgusting thing to do. That, and taking the nests of (now) endangered birds to make Birds Nest soup. Such practices need to stop!!
These types of stone age backward practices needed to be ended. Cutting off the limbs from an Animal for the purpose of palate pleasure and throwing the still alive Animal to die so painfully and in slow motion is PURE EVIL.
Player #46000883
Player #46000883
Disgusting the things that some humans do to animals.
Humans are the worst creatures on this earth.
Player #134726817
Player #134726817
and it should be banned.
Player #120271469
Player #120271469
CL53, seriously how great could it be to justify such cfruelty
I’ve watched some videos of them doing this and it’s absolutely barbaric. They saw off the fins and then let the sharks go and bleed to death in the ocean. All to make… soup. Disgusting practice. 😿