What is written by God upon two tablets of stone and then given to Moses on Mount Sinai?
Correct answer: 10 Commandments
Imagine what a better place the world would be if we lived by those 10 commandments!
Why does this make me think of Mel Brooks?! Lol
Mars V
Player #134726817, They were inspired by God and written by insecure Moses. He was doing his best to lead the sheep.
Player #134726817, Almighty God, has no reason, to be insecure, but He is perfectly Holy and just, and deserves our all, you certainly have a right to your beliefs, But I pray for God to forgive your blasphemy against His character!
Player #25874027, most lawyers don't follow "true law", as God wrote it, they instead split hairs, and find loopholes in man made twisted, corrupt law to justify themselves.
RushMama2112, The llth one should be don’t text and drive.
Citizen Paul, I agree, though I don't think it's the developers. I think I saw an option somewhere for players to submit questions. If so, I assume they also write the answers.
Player #25874027
The 613 Commandments are the ones governing lawyers . But no one else can read print that small
Bonnie , "I have here these 15... *crash* ... 10 commandments..." 😆